Rutgers Graduate School of Education Employee Information Session
Rutgers University’s Graduate School of Education invites you to an information session exclusively for Rutgers employees to learn more about GSE’s doctoral and master’s level programs for staff currently working in the field of higher education. The two sessions are held conveniently over Zoom and will feature program faculty from the programs listed below. Faculty will lead breakout rooms for students across two 20-minute sessions, each time slot. Hear from current GSE students and RU staff on the importance of work-academic / life balance and how to apply for and utilize the coveted tuition remission benefit available to many staff at Rutgers University.
Begin registration by clicking on “Register“. Complete registration for the time/session you plan to attend. Zoom links will be sent prior to the email address provided.
Session #1: 3:30-5:00pm (Master Programs)
Ed.M. Adult and Continuing Education
Ed.M. College Student Affairs
Ed.M. Counseling Psychology
Ed.M. Education, Culture, and Society
Ed.M. Educational Administration and Supervision.
Ed.M. Learning, Cognition and Development
Session #2: 5:30-7pm (Doctoral Programs)
Ph.D. in Higher Education
Ed.D. Concentration in Design of Learning Environments
Ed.D. Concentration in Education, Culture, and Society
Ed.D. Concentration in Special Education