Dissertation Proposal Announcement Ed.D. Program: Clifford D. Frazier III “I Know You See Us! Black Men at a Diverse Institution and the Impact on Their Sense of Belonging”
This phenomenological qualitative study will examine the sense of belonging of Black male students at a diverse institution (DI) of higher education. Additionally, this study will investigate which institutional resources promote or inhibit Black male undergraduate students’ sense of belonging on campus. Data collection methods will include one-on-one interviews and focus groups. It is anticipated that ten students will participate in this study.
Sense of Belonging Theoretical Model (Strayhorn, 2008, 2012, 2019) will be used to analyze the participants experiences. Findings from this study can help DI administrators and stakeholders by providing opportunities for dialogue and self-reflection to understand how unspoken biases and microaggressions by the university community can lead to negative experiences for Black male undergraduate students, impacting persistence, retention and success rates. Additionally, this research can lead to identifying areas of practice to improve the experiences of Black male undergraduate students through the creation of programs and professional development opportunities for staff, faculty, and administrators. Lastly, it is hoped that this study will enhance the understanding of how the actions or inactions of higher education staff, faculty, and administrators affect Black male undergraduate students’ sense of belonging at a DI. It is important for administrators and stakeholders to acknowledge that although minority students can find success at a diverse institution, making assumptions that all minority and marginalized students feel seen, heard and are successful at a diverse institution is not the majority.
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