Dissertation Defense Announcement Ed.D. Program: Bruce Henecker “How Do Teachers Lose Tenure in New Jersey Based on TEACHNJ Legislation: A Qualitative Content Analysis”

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

This dissertation examines the impact of the Teacher Effectiveness and Accountability for the Children of New Jersey (TEACHNJ) Act on teacher tenure revocation in New Jersey. Employing a qualitative content analysis approach, the study analyzes 270 arbitration decisions from 2012 to 2023 to identify the specific legislative provisions that most frequently lead to tenure loss. The research reveals that Conduct Unbecoming is the most prevalent charge resulting in tenure revocation, followed by Inefficiency. Despite the Act’s intentions, removing ineffective teachers remains challenging due to legal complexities, procedural requirements, and the infrequency of revocations. Notably, student growth measures, a key component of the legislation, had minimal direct impact on tenure loss decisions. The study finds that while TEACHNJ has streamlined some aspects of the tenure charge process, its overall impact on improving student achievement through teacher accountability needs to be improved. This dissertation provides insights into the implementation of TEACHNJ, highlighting the tension between rules-based and standards-based approaches in tenure decisions. It also compares New Jersey’s experience with national trends in teacher evaluation reforms. The findings contribute to understanding the challenges of education policy implementation and its implications for teacher accountability and student outcomes.

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