Dissertation Defense Announcement Ed.D. Program: Katherine Castro “Pre-College Preparedness: First-Generation Students and STEM Focused Pre-College Programs”

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

First-generation students identify from unique familial upbringings and disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds and are not afforded the same educational opportunities as their non-first generation counterparts as a result. The disparities first-generation students experience throughout education contributes to their educational access, attainment, projected career outcomes, and projected economic mobility. This qualitative case study aims to examine the experiences of first-generation students upon completion of the federally funded Upward Bound Math-Science pre-college program. This study will implement the framework of community cultural wealth to illuminate the voices of first-generation students in pre-college programs, which are all too often overlooked. The research suggests that there is an emphasis on the removal of barriers but there is not a focus on the development of skills and advocacy necessary to process experiences and challenges that first-generation students inevitably encounter throughout the system of higher education. This study seeks to better inform educational preparation and transition leading up to STEM focused higher education. The findings from this study will help to inform why first-generation students continue to struggle in STEM focused higher education despite extensive pre-college preparation and provide insights on how to better prepare first-generation students for success in STEM.

To access the Zoom link required to attend, please contact academic.services@gse.rutgers.edu.