Dissertation Defense Announcement Ed.D. Program: Vanessa Conroy “New Jersey Educators’ Perceptions and Practices of LGBTQIA+ Student Inclusivity”
Educational institutions across the U.S. are currently seeking to support their LGBTQIA+ students and promote inclusivity while navigating a turbulent social context. Such support involves not only structures and policies within school buildings to respect students’ rights but also the integration of curriculum and instruction that educates all students about gender and sexuality.The state of New Jersey recently passed legislation to require the state’s public schools to implement an “LGBTQ-inclusive” curriculum in grades 5-12. Since teachers are on the front lines of interacting with students and will be interpreting this curriculum when it is completed, it is important for the field to learn more about how they understand the concept of inclusion in their teaching practice and what possibilities and obstacles they envision when introducing these topics in their classrooms.This mixed-methods study will utilize surveys and interviews to examine New Jersey educators’ perspectives on LGBTQIA+ inclusion and how those perspectives influence their practice.