Because of Teachers: Open House for First-Years, Sophomores, and Students Considering A Major Change
Learn why the teaching profession needs YOU.
Chat with our faculty, eat free food, check out the DJ, and get cool swag! Learn about our programs and hear what it’s like to be a teacher from a wide range of people who have found their calling in the profession.
The Five-Year Programs at Rutgers Graduate School of Education (GSE) are a powerful and cost-effective way to get your master’s degree and Teaching Certification at the same time. It’s the quickest path to launching your career. Our graduates advance social justice and equity in the classroom every day and make the world a better place. Plus, they are in high demand and the average starting salary is $57,000.
We offer programs in a wide variety of areas, including Elementary Ed, Agriculture, Biology, English, ESL, Foreign Language, Math, Physics/Physical Science, and Social Studies.
Interested? Visit the Voorhees Mall and 10 Seminary Place on April 17, from 3 to 6 p.m.
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