Announcement of Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal Defense Anel V. Rivera Guerrero: “Translanguaging in Pursuit of Identidad: Transformándonos de adentro pa’ fuera”
This design based-research estudio using autoethnographic methods aims to explore the role of translanguaging in disrupting raciolinguistic ideologies in researchers and bi/multilingual educators working in K-12 school-based programs (García, 2009; García & Wei, 2013; García, et al, 201 Rosa & Flores, 2017). As we collaborate in shared professional development to crear affirming and sustaining curriculum using culturally and historically responsive educational frameworks, we aim to disrupt language separation policies and practices and curricular erasures for bi/multilingual and BIPOC students (España & Herrera, 2020; Muhammed, 2023; Paris & Alim, 2014). Additionally, I explore the impacts of this work on my language identidad as the researcher and professional development facilitator. This study also asks how do teachers’ identities influence their participation in professional development around translanguaging, and what does teaching and learning look like after teachers engage with translanguaging within culturally and historically responsive education frameworks?
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