Dr. Catherine Lugg to Receive Recognition for Outstanding Mentorship
Dr. Catherine Lugg will be awarded the 2014 Jay D. Scribner Mentoring Award by the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) during the 28th Annual UCEA Convention in Washington, D.C. this November. This national award honors one educational leadership faculty member a year who has made a substantive contribution to the field by mentoring junior faculty and the next generation of students into roles as research professors.
Dr. Lugg, professor of education in the Department of Educational Theory, Policy and Administration at Rutgers Graduate School of Education (GSE), has mentored 26 doctoral students to successful dissertation completion in the past 12 years. She is also currently serving as dissertation committee chair of seven doctoral students at the GSE.
“As I progressed through the stages of my dissertation, Catherine was a constant source of comfort and encouragement,” wrote Dr. Malila Robinson, a former doctoral student and now part-time lecturer at Rutgers University. “I can honestly say that I very likely would have given up at one point if it wasn’t for her.”
Beyond mentorship, Dr. Lugg serves students and junior faculty members by representing their interests on the GSE’s student Grievance Committee and previously as a member of the University Taskforce on Transgendered Issues and an active member in the faculty union AAUP/AFT.
“Through my own relationship with Dr. Lugg,” wrote Dr. Sharon I. Radd, Assistant Professor, Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership at St. Catherine University School of Business and Professional Studies. “I am inspired to do more and be more, to use scholarship and my stature in the professoriate to inform myself and others about the toughest issues we face as an educational system and a society, and to generously offer my own expertise and counsel to support others in their academic and professional journeys.”
Dr. Lugg’s research focuses on social justice, equity, and queer matters. She is currently working with GSE Ph.D. student Jason Murphy on several articles and a manuscript that examine queer issues in education policy decisions in New Jersey. Dr. Lugg also authors the blog “Thinking Queerly: Schools, politics and culture”. (http://cath47.wordpress.com)
Dr. Lugg has previously been recognized by UCEA with The UCEA Service Award in 2012, The William J. Davis Award for best article in 2010, and The Paula Silver Case Award for best case study in 2008.
The Jay D. Scribner Mentoring Award is named after the inaugural winner of the award, a University of Texas at Austin College of Education Professor Emeritus who nurtured scholars from under-represented backgrounds throughout his more than 40-year career. Dr. Lugg will be the first faculty member to receive the award at Rutgers.
Learn more about Dr. Lugg by visiting her faculty profile page.