Ed.M. with Certification in Biological Science Education

    Program Overview

    The Ed.M. program with (K-12) teacher certification in biological science education is designed to help students deepen their understanding of the learning and teaching of biological sciences with a focus on inquiry-based teaching that is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The program curriculum will provide students with exposure to fundamental courses related to education including the Urban Social Justice Core classes, as well as program-specific coursework related to teaching biology at the middle and high school levels. 

    This program is created specifically for post-baccalaureate students who already hold a degree in biological sciences or a closely related field. After the program is completed and the master’s degree is awarded, the GSE will make a recommendation to the New Jersey State Department of Education on behalf of the graduate to receive their Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing (CEAS) as teacher. 

    For more information about this program:

    • Prospective students should download the revised proposed program guide (with fewer required credits) effective September 2025*. The program guide includes a proposed course list and application requirements for the anticipated new program.
    • The current program guide is effective through Summer 2025 and is applicable to all current students.
    • For more information about the pending changes to the program, please attend a GSE Initial Licensure Information Session or watch this video of an information session, password: ?0fzQs9I
    • Contact Ken Tufo, Student Counselor in the Office of Student and Academic Services for further information.

    *Pending final approval from the New Jersey Department of Education and Rutgers University.

    Program Details

    Application Deadline

    PRIORITY DEADLINE March 1, 2025. Late applications will be taken until all seats are filled.

    Entry Term(s)


    Program Level

    Masters + Teacher Certification

    Program Type






  • What You’ll Learn

    Graduates of the Ed.M. with Certification in Biological Science Education program will develop a view of science as a knowledge building enterprise and understand the scientific practices of scientific inquiry in life science. They will become proficient with the mandated state and national science standards. Importantly, graduates will  know how to develop biology instruction that is equitable and that enhances students’ agency in using science personally and in their community. In addition, they will develop the knowledge and skills needed to integrate technology into classroom instruction to promote meaningful student learning.

    For more information about the courses in this program, please visit the course catalog and online schedule of classes.

  • Program Requirements
      • 2 No-Credit Course Modules – Completed in the First Summer Semester
      • 53 Graduate Course Credits
        • 10 Credits – Completed in the First Fall Semester
        • 10 Credits – Completed in the First Spring Semester
        • 6 Credits – Completed in the Second Summer Semester
        • 15 Credits – Completed in Second Fall Semester 
        • 12 Credits – Complete in Second Spring Semester

    Graduates are expected to complete the required course sequence and satisfy their general education requirements, liberal arts credits, and pass the teacher certification performance assessment require by the state (edTPA)

  • Careers and Outcomes

    With a growing awareness for the importance of scientific inquiry and science, technology, engineering and math (STEAM) education programs, graduates exiting this program may go on to pursue employment as an education practitioner, consultant, curriculum specialist, or administrator in a range of education- and science-based settings. They may also go on to fulfill advisory and consulting roles in the government, environmental, and nonprofit sectors.

  • Admissions Requirements
    • Personal Statement
    • One Letter of Recommendation
    • Passing Praxis Core test scores* in Reading, Writing, and Math
      • or SAT scores* greater than 50th percentile in both Math and Verbal or both Math and Reading
      • or ACT scores* greater than 50th percentile in both Math and English
      • or GRE scores* greater than 50th percentile in both Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning
    • Official Undergraduate Transcripts**

    *Any test scores submitted must be less than 5 years old as of the application deadline
    **The New Jersey Department of Education requires a minimum GPA of 2.75 to be admitted to a teacher education program

  • How to Apply
    1. Collect the materials required for admission
    2. Submit your application online at http://gradstudy.rutgers.edu/
    3. Submit supporting materials online
    4. Any supporting materials that cannot be submitted electronically should be mailed to Graduate Admissions’ New Brunswick office. Their mailing address can be found here: https://gradstudy.rutgers.edu/about/contact-us
  • Tuition & Financial Assistance


    For tuition and fees information please visit the tuition landing page.

    Financial Aid:

    While students are encouraged to apply for federal student aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), there are a number of other merit- and need-based support options, including loans and college work-study programs within and external to Rutgers. For more information, please visit the Office of Financial Aid website.

    Scholarships, Fellowships & Assistantships:

    Generous GSE alumni, friends, and community members have established and continue to donate to more than one dozen fellowships and scholarships to help deserving students reach their goals. These awards are granted on the basis of academic achievement and or financial need. While these awards are competitive, interested students are encouraged to apply for consideration and submit the required materials. Students must also submit a FAFSA application to be eligible.  

    To review all current awards and learn more about the donors that established them, please click here.

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