Ed.M. in Literacy Education

    Program Overview

    The Ed.M. in Literacy Education program at the GSE is designed for teachers who currently work in, or wish to work in literacy education at any grade level and seek a comprehensive, empirically motivated understanding of the field. Individuals with a bachelor’s degree who are interested in working in literacy education in contexts that do not require teacher certification are also encouraged to apply. Expert faculty and research-driven curriculum will explore topics in literacy education including the social, cultural, and cognitive dimensions of literacy learning and the extent in which they can be generalized across learners. Throughout the program, students will be encouraged to articulate their visions of themselves as teachers, to identify and critique the underlying assumptions that influence their vision, to become critically familiar with competing visions, to develop instructional strategies that will help them enact their visions, and to engage in the kind of reflective inquiry that is an essential characteristic of an effective education practitioner.

    This is a non-certification program and does not include coursework resulting in a NJ school personnel license. 

    For more information about this program:

    Program Details

    Application Deadline

    Feb 1 / Nov 1 (late applications will be considered for each semester)

    Entry Term(s)

    Fall / Spring

    Program Level


    Program Type






  • What You’ll Learn

    Students enrolled in the Ed.M. in Literacy Education program will explore topics within the discipline including the social, cultural, and cognitive dimensions of literacy learning and the extent in which they can be generalized across learners. Based on selected elective coursework, students may also explore multimodal and digital literacies, contemporary methods and theories that support children’s writing development, children’s and adolescent literature, and topics in English education and language arts, among others. Throughout the program, students will be challenged to articulate and continually redefine their visions of themselves as teachers as a means to engage in the kind of reflective inquiry that is an essential characteristic of an effective education practitioner.

    For more information about the courses in this program, please visit the course catalog and online schedule of classes.

  • Program Requirements

    This program typically takes 2 years to complete and includes:

    • 30 Graduate Course Credits*
      • 12 Credits – Literacy Education Core Courses
      • 6 Credits – Educational Foundations Elective Courses
      • 6 Credits – Literacy Education Elective Courses
      • 6 Credits – Outside Elective Courses
    • Comprehensive Exam
      • The comprehensive exam involves the preparation of a professional portfolio that demonstrates knowledge of research theory, and practice in the field of literacy

    *Elective Courses must be approved by an advisor.

    Accepted students have 5 years to complete the program.

  • Careers and Outcomes

    Given the various professional applications of the communication skills and cultural competency developed through completion of the coursework, graduates of the Ed.M. in Literacy Education program have the flexibility to pursue a number of roles across a range of settings and industries. Beyond classroom, leadership, and administrative roles in traditional education contexts, possible career outcomes of this program include academic researchers, curriculum development specialists, educational consultants, copywriters, healthcare communication consultants, or government-, community- or nonprofit-employed advisors.

  • Admissions Requirements
    • Personal Statement 
    • 3 Letters of Recommendation
    • Official GRE Scores
      • Any test scores submitted must be less than 5 years old as of the application deadline
    • Official Undergraduate Transcripts
    • Graduate Transcripts (if applicable)
  • How to Apply
    1. Collect the materials required for admission
    2. Submit your application online at http://gradstudy.rutgers.edu/
    3. Submit supporting materials online
    4. Any supporting materials that cannot be submitted electronically should be mailed to Graduate Admissions’ New Brunswick office. Their mailing address can be found here: https://gradstudy.rutgers.edu/about/contact-us
  • Tuition & Financial Assistance


    For tuition and fees information please visit the tuition landing page.

    Financial Aid:

    While students are encouraged to apply for federal student aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), there are a number of other merit- and need-based support options, including loans and college work-study programs within and external to Rutgers. For more information, please visit the Office of Financial Aid website.

    Scholarships, Fellowships & Assistantships:

    Generous GSE alumni, friends, and community members have established and continue to donate to more than one dozen fellowships and scholarships to help deserving students reach their goals. These awards are granted on the basis of academic achievement and or financial need. While these awards are competitive, interested students are encouraged to apply for consideration and submit the required materials. Students must also submit a FAFSA application to be eligible.  

    To review all current awards and learn more about the donors that established them, please click here.

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