
Teaching the World

The Teaching the World Program is an initiative focused on preparing pre-service and in-service teachers of all disciplines to foster global citizenship. For the past five years, we have hosted the Teaching the World Forum. The conference offers a dynamic setting to share innovative practices, new resources, challenges and successes related to teaching for global competence.

Join the conversation online using the hashtag #RUTeachingtheWorld!

The 2019 Teaching the World Forum will be held on Saturday, March 30, 2019.

Calls for proposals will be available shortly.

The 2019 theme is Local Global Community Voices.

The call for proposals for 2019 is available here. Proposals are due March 1, 2019.

Links to slides and websites from several presentations from the previous conferences are below.

The 2017 Teaching the World Forum focus was Global and Community-Engaged Education.  The day was filled with sessions focused on best practices, examples of globally-focused programs, student work, and more.  Plenary speakers were Thea Abu El-Haj, Associate Professor at Rutgers Graduate School of Education, presenting Home and the World: Teaching to Decenter the Nation, and William Gaudelli, Associate Professor of Social Studies and Education at the Teachers College at Columbia University speaking on Global Citizenship Education: Everyday Transcendence

View these photos and presentations from the Teaching the World Forum for more information on the topic of global education:

2016 Teaching the World Forum Photos

2016 Presentations
Educating for Human Rights, Peace, and Global Citizenship: Interrelated principles and exemplary practices
Anita Yudkin, UNESCO Chair for Peace Education; University of Puerto Rico

Applying the International Human Rights Framework to Undergraduate Education
Margot Baruch, Mikaela Grande, Srishti Roy, Alison Schroeder, and Margaux Taylor, Rutgers University

Garifuna (Black Carib) History, Heritage, Culture and Language
Eleanor Bullock, GAMAE Performing Arts Company

Controversy and Citizenship: A model for helping students make informed decisions
Greer Burroughs, Rutgers University; James Daly, Seton Hall University

Edison Conversation Café: Building Relationships Between High School Students and the Local-Global Community
Virginia Santoro, Dana Slater, Genoveffa Rossiter, Alexandra van de Wetering, Edison Township Public Schools; Taylor Rotolo, Rutgers University

Action Research in Arts Integration and Social Justice
Laura Fattal, Sherine Nashif, Melissa Lewis, William Paterson University

The Jamaican Education System
Nadine Gibbs, PMG Memorial Academy

Connecting with the Indigenous: Global citizens take action
Ryan Daly and Kim Leegan, Westfield High School

Developing Global Competencies through Technology Assisted Learning Opportunities
Kristine Scharaldi, Unite to Educate; Melda Yildiz, Walden University

Multicultural Multilingual Multimedia
Melda Yildiz, Walden University; Kristine Scharaldi, Unite to Eduate

2015 Presentations

Developing Problem-based Units on Sustainable Topics: Curriculum Development for Teachers
Vicki L. Cohen, Ami Dobelle, Bill Haines, Meredith Kates, Fairleigh Dickinson University

Recognizing Global Citizenship in Action 
Michael Lassiter, Ignacio Esteban, Adam Gold, Dan Mladnick, Lindsey Wilson, Highland Park School District

Using Biography and Autobiography in the Classroom to Raise Cultural Awareness and Foster Globalization
Lois Spitzer, Meg White, Jiangyuan (JY) Zhou, Stockton University

Educating/Empowering People in International Communities: Prospective Art Teachers Follow the Path of Creativity
Basanti Chakraborty, New Jersey City University

Promoting Global Competence and Social Justice in Teacher Education: Successes and Challenges within Local and International Contexts
David Schwarzer and Alexandra Brown; Montclair State University

Cultivating Global Competencies and Teaching Beyond Borders: Millennials Making Multilingual Multicultural Multimedia in the Millennium
Melda Yildiz, Fulbright Association; Kristine Scharaldi, Unite to Educate

The Challenges of Islamic Identity in the Secular Educational System of the United States
Hoda Sadr Hosseini, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey; Emily Goshey, Princeton University

Developing and Assessing Global Citizenship in Elementary and Middle School Students
Carl Cooper and Mark Wise, West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District

Project Stay Gold: Students Combating Human Trafficking  
Daniel Papa, Jefferson Township High School

Integrating Global Content into Special Education Teacher Preparation Programs: Our Practice
Joy Xin, Amy Accardo, Mary Cormier, Diane Doorman, Midge Shuff, Rowan University

Cultural Intelligence in a Post-9/11 Classroom
Sattik Deb and Neel Khichi, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Teachers as Global Citizens: Developing Interculturality through Service-Learning 
Jessie Curtis and Christelle Palpacuer Lee, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

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