Thursday, March 5, 2015
In response to worsening weather conditions, President Barchi has declared a Level 4 – Weather Emergency Closure for the university, excluding RBHS clinical operations, ending at 5pm on Thursday, March 5. Rutgers University-Camden, however, has cancelled evening and night classes on Thursday, March 5.
During the Weather Emergency – Level 4 Closure:
1. Classes are cancelled until 5pm on Thursday, March 5 at all locations, with the exception of Rutgers University-Camden, which has cancelled evening and night classes.
2. Essential Service Employees are directed to remain at work or to report to work as scheduled during the period of this Level 4 Weather Emergency Closure, unless otherwise directed.
3. Non-Essential Employees shall not report for work during the period of a Level 4 Weather Emergency Closure.
Please refer to the following adverse weather policies for more details related to
weather status declarations and procedures:
• Legacy Rutgers Employees: Attendance During Adverse Weather Conditions –
Policy 60.3.16 (http://policies.rutgers.edu/
• Legacy UMDNJ Employees: Inclement Weather and Emergency Curtailment of
Operations – Policy 60.9.58 (http://policies.rutgers.edu/
• http://uhr.rutgers.edu/sites/
The university will provide updates as conditions warrant.
Additional information can be found at:
- Rutgers University-New Brunswick
- Rutgers University-Newark
- Rutgers University-Camden
- Rutgers Biomedical & Health Sciences