
Jason Sullivan

Ed.D. student
Design for Learning Environments

  • Research Interests
    NGSS, modeling, student thinking, discourse, responsive teaching, elementary science, learning progressions
  • Educational Background
    BS Chemistry, Grand Valley State University, 1995; M.Ed. Educational Technology, Grand Valley State University, 2000; NJ Supervisor’s Certification, The College of New Jersey, 2005
  • Research Statement
    My research interest involves the implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards in elementary science teaching. I would like to investigate pedagogical approaches that help teachers integrate best practices in elementary literacy and mathematics such that authentic scientific inquiry is possible in all elementary classrooms. I would like to analyze the efficacy of inservice teacher professional development models that are designed to promoted guided-inquiry instruction, increase teacher confidence in science, and assist efforts to make student thinking visible in the science classroom. I am hoping to build upon the work of the Responsive Teaching in Science Project lead by Fred Goldberg and David Hammer.
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