Rutgers Participation at AERA and NCME Annual Meetings
Over seventy representatives from Rutgers University, including fifty from the Graduate School of Education (GSE), are participating in the 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME). The AERA Annual Meeting gathers scholars in the field of education research to showcase innovative studies across diverse areas, ranging from digital learning to second language literacy. The 2015 Annual Meeting theme focuses on justice, locally and globally, to encourage collaborative engagement across various disciplines and modes of inquiry. AERA will be held from Thursday, April 16 through Monday, April 20, in Chicago, Illinois. The 77th NCME Annual Meeting will take place from Wednesday, April 15 through Sunday, April 19 at the InterContinental in Chicago, Illinois. The Rutgers Graduate School of Education Reception at AERA will be held from 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 18 in the Grand Salon II of the Marriott.For more information on AERA’s Annual meeting, please visit the AERA website. For more information on NCME’s Annual Meeting, please visit the NCME website. Click below to view the full list of Rutgers representation at both meetings below:
Rutgers GSE at AERA
Rutgers Graduate School of Education ReceptionWhen: Saturday, April 18 7:00pm to 8:30pmWhere: Marriot, Grand Salon II Thea Abu-El-HajSymposium: Policyscapes of Education Reform: Vertical Case Studies of Educational Policy Appropriation Across National SettingsWhen: Thursday, April 16 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Marriot, Third Level, DupageNon-Presenting Author
Muteb AlqahtaniPaper Session: Mathematics Teacher Knowledge and Professional DevelopmentWhen: Sunday, April 19 10:35am to 12:05pmWhere: Marriot, Sixth Level, MinnesotaNon-Presenting Author Alisa A. BelzerInvited Roundtable: Meet Journal Editors: Journal Talks 5When: Sunday, April 19 10:35am to 12:05pmWhere: Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside EastAuthor
Keith BensonSymposium: Platforms of Resistance in the Lives of Teachers Past and PresentWhen: Friday, April 17 4:05pm to 6:05pmWhere: Marriot, Sixth Level, Michigan/Michigan StateChair, Discussant Dan BatteyPaper Session: Curriculum Studies and Materials in MathematicsWhen: Friday, April 17 10:35am to 12:05pmWhere: Marriot, Sixth Level, LincolnshireNon-Presenting Author
James B. BigsbyRoundtable Session 8: How Context and Social Networks Influence Participation in Professional DevelopmentWhen: Friday, April 17 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside WestNon-Presenting Author Wanda J. Blanchett
Invited Roundtable: The 19th Annual Continuation of Conversations with Senior Scholars on Advancing Research and Professional Development Related to Black EducationLaying the Initial Groundwork to Become Part of the Next Generation of Academic AdministratorsWhen: Friday, April 17 4:05pm to 6:05pmWhere: Hyatt, West Tower – Green Level, Crystal BNon-Presenting Author Cynthia L. BlitzRoundtable Session 8: The Roles of Collective and Self-Efficacy in School LeadershipWhen: Friday, April 17 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside WestPresenting Author Roundtable Session 13: Current Complexities of Supporting and Evaluating Teacher Growth and DevelopmentWhen: Friday, April 17 4:05pm to 5:35pmWhere: Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside EastPresenting Author
Sally Wesley BonetSymposium: Policyscapes of Education Reform: Vertical Case Studies of Educational Policy Appropriation Across National SettingsWhen: Thursday, April 16 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Marriot, Third Level, DupageNon-Presenting Author
Meredith McConnochie ByrnesSymposium: Decentering Parental Involvement: Critical Examinations of Race, Class, Gender, and Immigration in U.S. Home-School RelationshipsWhen: Monday, April 20 10:35am to 12:05pmWhere: Marriot, Sixth Level, Indiana/IowaNon-Presenting Author
Gregory CamilliInvited Speaker Session: Symposium on National Science Foundation Workforce IssuesWhen: Sunday, April 19, 12:25pm to 1:55pmWhere: Marriot, Fifth Level, Denver/HoustonChair, Discussant
Veronica CaveraHybrid Poster Presentation: Crossing boundaries: Conceptualizing research interaction across academic specializationWhen: Sunday, April 19, 6:15pm to 7:45pmWhere: Sheraton, Fourth Level, Chicago VI&VIINon-Presenting Author Clark A. ChinnBusiness Meeting: Problem-Based Education SIGWhen: Saturday, April 18 6:30pm to 8:00pmWhere: Sheraton, Second Level, Michigan AParticipant
Kevin CrouseHybrid Poster Presentation: Crossing boundaries: Conceptualizing research interaction across academic specializationWhen: Sunday, April 19, 6:15pm to 7:45pmWhere: Sheraton, Fourth Level, Chicago VI&VIINon-Presenting Author Jimmy de la TorrePaper Session: Advances in Cognitive Diagnostic ModelingWhen: Sunday, April 19 4:05pm to 5:35pmWhere: Marriot, Sixth Level, Northwestern/Ohio StateNon-Presenting Author
Christopher M. DudekPaper Session: Evaluation of Teaching Possibilities and ChallengesWhen: Friday, April 17 12:25pm to 1:55pmWhere: Marriot, Fifth Level, Denver/HoustonNon-Presenting Author Ravit Golan DuncanPoster Session 2: Division K Section 3When: Thursday, April 16 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Sheraton, Fourth Level, Chicago VI&VIINon-Presenting Author Eugenia EtkinaPoster Session 3: Creating Science and Literacy ConnectionsWhen: Friday, April 17 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Sheraton, Fourth Level, Chicago VI&VIINon-Presenting Author William A. FirestoneRoundtable Session 8: Teacher Collaboration Informing TheoryWhen: Friday, April 17 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside WestNon-Presenting Author Roundtable Session 13: Current Complexities of Supporting and Evaluating Teacher Growth and DevelopmentWhen: Friday, April 17 4:05pm to 5:35pm
Where: Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside EastNon-Presenting Author Invited Speaker Session: State and Regional Educational Research Associations: Distinguished Paper Session 4When: Sunday, April 19 12:25pm to 1:55pmWhere: Sheraton, Second Level, OntarioDiscussant James GiarelliThe John Dewey Society Symposium: The Legacy of Maxine Greene: Critical Engagements with her Philosophy of Democratic EducationWhen: Thursday, April 16th, 12:00pm to 2:00pmWhere: Marriott, Seventh Level, Grand Salon IPresenter Drew H. GitomerInvited Speaker Session: Research, Evaluation, Assessment, and Accountability in Schools: Presenting the Work of Graduate Student ScholarsWhen: Friday, April 17 8:15am to 10:15amWhere: Sheraton, Ballroom Level, Sheraton VPresenting Author
Symposium: Institutional Efforts to Induce Collaboration and Standardization of PracticeWhen: Friday, April 17 12:25pm to 1:55pmWhere: Swissotel, Event Centre Second Level, Vevey 1&2Discussant Symposium: A Role for Quality Improvement in U.S. Education Accountability?When: Sunday, April 19 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Swissotel, Event Centre First Level, Zurich ENon-Presenting Author Mara Conroy HughesSymposium: What’s New(s) About Queer and Trans Youth in the Media Today?When: Friday, April 17, 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Swissotel, Event Centre Second Level, Montreux 3Non-Presenting Author
Charles J. IaconangeloInvited Speaker Session: Research, Evaluation, Assessment, and Accountability in Schools: Presenting the Work of Graduate Student ScholarsWhen: Friday, April 17 8:15am to 10:15amWhere: Sheraton, Ballroom Level, Sheraton VNon-Presenting Author
Jeanette JoyceInvited Speaker Session: Research, Evaluation, Assessment, and Accountability in Schools: Presenting the Work of Graduate Student ScholarsWhen: Friday, April 17 8:15am to 10:15amWhere: Sheraton, Ballroom Level, Sheraton VPresenting Author Hybrid Poster Presentation: Crossing boundaries: Conceptualizing research interaction across academic specializationWhen: Sunday, April 19, 6:15pm to 7:45pmWhere: Sheraton, Fourth Level, Chicago VI&VIIPresenting Author
Mehmet KaplanPaper Session: Advances in Cognitive Diagnostic ModelingWhen: Sunday, April 19 4:05pm to 5:35pmWhere: Marriot, Sixth Level, Northwestern/Ohio StatePresenting Author
Dessi KirovaRoundtable Session 8: The Roles of Collective and Self-Efficacy in School LeadershipWhen: Friday, April 17 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside WestPresenting Author Roundtable Session 13: Current Complexities of Supporting and Evaluating Teacher Growth and DevelopmentWhen: Friday, April 17 4:05pm to 5:35pmWhere: Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside EastPresenting Author
Anna LeePaper Session: New Developments in Cooperative LearningWhen: Saturday, April 18 10:35am to 12:05pmWhere: Hyatt, West Tower – Gold Level, San FranciscoNon-Presenting Author
Andrew LelandPoster Session 12: Social Context of Research in Schools and CommunitiesWhen: Sunday, April 19 10:35am to 12:05pmWhere: Sheraton, Fourth Level, Chicago VI&VIINon-Presenting Author Luis Antonio LevyaInvited Speaker Session: Professional Development in Higher Education: From First-Year Graduate Studies to Landing Your Dream JobWhen: Friday, April 17 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Hyatt, West Tower – Gold Level, AcapulcoChair
Governance Session: AERA Graduate Council: Closed MeetingWhen: Saturday, April 18 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Hyatt, West Tower – Green Level, Crystal AParticipant Invited Speaker Session: The Evolution and Current State of Diversity in Higher EducationWhen: Sunday, April 19 12:25pm to 1:55pmWhere: Sheraton, Ballroom Level, Sheraton IIIChair Paper Session: Factors Affecting Diverse Students in STEMWhen: Monday, April 20 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Swissotel, Event Centre First Level, Zurich EChair Carrie L. LobmanRoundtable Session 8: Advocacy and Activism in Varied Contexts for LearningWhen: Friday, April 17 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside WestNon-Presenting Author Catherine A. LuggPaper Session: De/constructing the LGBTQ Student: Policy and PoliticsWhen: Friday, April 17 8:15am to 10:15amWhere: Marriot, Fifth Level, Chicago FGHDiscussant Roundtable Session 9: Political Modes of Reconfiguring School: Voters, Coalitions, and Spies
When: Friday, April 17 10:35am to 12:05pmWhere: Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside WestChair Invited Speaker Session: Research on LGBTQ in Education: Using and Investing in Building Knowledge: Authors Meet CriticsWhen: Sunday, April 19 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Hyatt, West Tower – Gold Level, AcapulcoDiscussant Invited Speaker Session: Research on LGBTQ in Education: Using and Investing in Building Knowledge: Roundtable DiscussionWhen: Sunday, April 19 4:05pm to 5:35pmWhere: Hyatt, West Tower – Gold Level, AcapulcoDiscussant Invited Speaker Session: Justice Requires Informed Action: Fighting Anti-Intellectualism with Educational ResearchWhen: Monday, April 20 10:35am to 12:05pmWhere: Hyatt, East Tower – Gold Level, Grand EEParticipant Symposium: Asking Queer(er) Questions: Using Queer Scholarship to Reshape Qualitative Educational ResearchWhen: Monday, April 20 12:25pm to 1:55pmWhere: Marriot, Sixth Level, Northwestern/Ohio StateNon-Presenting Author Wenchao MaPaper Session: Advances in Cognitive Diagnostic ModelingWhen: Sunday, April 19 4:05pm to 5:35pmWhere: Marriot, Sixth Level, Northwestern/Ohio StatePresenting Author Melinda M. ManginInvited Speaker Session: AERA 2016? It’s Not Too Early to Think About Your Next ProposalWhen: Thursday, April 16 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Marriott, Fourth Level, BelmontPresenter
Paper Session: Teacher Leaders Engaged in Collaborative LearningWhen: Saturday, April 18 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Marriot, Fifth Level, Los Angeles/MiamiDiscussant Meeting: Teacher Leadership Research, Preparation & Policy SeminarWhen: April 18, 2015 12:30pm to 3:00pmWhere: Fairmont, Crystal, Third LevelPresenter Cheryl A. McLeanSymposium: Revisiting Longitudinal Language Ethnographies: The Case of Bourdieu and ReflexivityWhen: Saturday, April 18 10:35am to 12:05pmWhere: Marriot, Sixth Level, Michigan/Michigan State
Presenter Business Meeting: Caribbean and African Studies in Education (CASE) SIGWhen: Friday, April 17 6:15pm to 8:15pmWhere: Swissotel, Event Centre Second Level, Vevey 4Chair Jason MurphySymposium: Asking Queer(er) Questions: Using Queer Scholarship to Reshape Qualitative Educational ResearchWhen: Monday, April 20 12:25pm to 1:55pmWhere: Marriot, Sixth Level, Northwestern/Ohio StateNon-Presenting Author Kaitlin Northey-BergRoundtable Session 8: Early Childhood Standards, Policies, and ProgramsWhen: Friday, April 17 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside WestNon-Presenting Author Angela M. O’DonnellPaper Session: New Developments in Cooperative LearningWhen: Saturday, April 18 10:35am to 12:05pmWhere: Hyatt, West Tower – Gold Level, San FranciscoNon-Presenting Author
Stephanie PetersPaper Session: Evaluation of Teaching Possibilities and ChallengesWhen: Friday, April 17 12:25pm to 1:55pmWhere: Marriot, Fifth Level, Denver/HoustonNon-Presenting Author Hybrid Poster Presentation: Crossing boundaries: Conceptualizing research interaction across academic specializationWhen: Sunday, April 19, 6:15pm to 7:45pmWhere: Sheraton, Fourth Level, Chicago VI&VIIPresenting Author Vicky PilitsisPoster Session 2: Division K Section 3When: Thursday, April 16 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Sheraton, Fourth Level, Chicago VI&VIINon-Presenting Author Angelique RualoPaper Session: Evaluation of Teaching Possibilities and ChallengesWhen: Friday, April 17 12:25pm to 1:55pmWhere: Marriot, Fifth Level, Denver/HoustonNon-Presenting Author Beth C. RubinSymposium: Policyscapes of Education Reform: Vertical Case Studies of Educational Policy Appropriation Across National SettingsWhen: Thursday, April 16 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Marriot, Third Level, DupageChair, Non-Presenting Author
Symposium: Immigrant Youth and Citizenship EducationWhen: Friday, April 17 4:05pm to 5:35pmWhere: Marriot, Fifth Level, Kansas CityChair Sharon RyanRoundtable Session 8: Early Childhood Standards, Policies, and ProgramsWhen: Friday, April 17 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside WestNon-Presenting Author Paper Session: Seeking Social Justice in Early Childhood: Portraits of Children as Active AgentsWhen: Sunday, April 19 10:35am to 12:05pm
Where: Swissotel, Lucerne Level, Lucerne IIIChair Anton ShcherbakovRoundtable Session 8: The Roles of Collective and Self-Efficacy in School LeadershipWhen: Friday, April 17 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside WestPresenting Author Roundtable Session 13: Current Complexities of Supporting and Evaluating Teacher Growth and DevelopmentWhen: Friday, April 17 4:05pm to 5:35pmWhere: Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside EastPresenting Author Yan SunPaper Session: Advances in Cognitive Diagnostic ModelingWhen: Sunday, April 19 4:05pm to 5:35pmWhere: Marriot, Sixth Level, Northwestern/Ohio StateNon-Presenting Author Saundra M. Tomlinson-ClarkePolicy and Practice Outreach Program Division E: Counseling and Human DevelopmentWhen: Friday, April 17th, 2015 8:00am to 5:00pmWhere: Fairmont, Sheraton, HyattProgram Coordinator Dake ZhangPaper Session: Explorations in Mathematics in the Elementary GradesWhen: Friday, April 17 10:35am to 12:05pmWhere: Sheraton, Second Level, Superior BNon-Presenting Author
Robert C. ZiskPoster Session 3: Creating Science and Literacy ConnectionsWhen: Friday, April 17 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Sheraton, Fourth Level, Chicago VI&VIINon-Presenting Author Back to Top
Rutgers GSE at NCME
Lokman AkbayElectronic Board #13: Differential Item Functioning as an Artifact of Model MisspecificationWhen: Saturday, April 18 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Camelot, 3rd Floor, GSIC Student Issues Poster Session, H1 Electronic Board #23: Effect of Q-Matrix Design Under Hierarchical Attribute StructuresWhen: Saturday, April 18 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Camelot, 3rd Floor, GSIC Student Issues Poster Session, H1 Chia-Yi ChiuElectronic Board #5: Evaluating the Use of Factor Analysis in Q-Matrix ConstructionWhen: Friday, April 17 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Camelot, 3rd Floor, GSIC Graduate Student Poster Session, D1 Electronic Board #22: The Reduced RUM as a Logit Model: A Demonstration via MplusWhen: Saturday, April 18 12:25pm to 1:25pm,Where: Camelot, 3rd Floor, Paper Session, G1 Jimmy de la TorreElectronic Board #5: Improving Equating Precisions by Incorporating Prior Information of Common ItemsWhen: Saturday, April 18 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Camelot, 3rd Floor, GSIC Student Issues Poster Session, H1
Electronic Board #10: Accounting for Uncertainty of Item Parameter Estimates on Ability EstimatesWhen: Saturday, April 18 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Camelot, 3rd Floor, GSIC Student Issues Poster Session H1 Electronic Board #13: Differential Item Functioning as an Artifact of Model MisspecificationWhen: Saturday, April 18 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Camelot, 3rd Floor, GSIC Student Issues Poster Session, H1 Electronic Board #23: Effect of Q-Matrix Design Under Hierarchical Attribute StructuresWhen: Saturday, April 18 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Camelot, 3rd Floor, GSIC Student Issues Poster Session, H1 Electronic Board #16: An Iterative Method of Empirically-Based Q-Matrix ValidationWhen: Saturday, April 18 4:05pm to 5:05pmWhere: Camelot, 3rd Floor, Paper Session, I1 Paper Session: Marginal Maximum Likelihood Estimation via the Discounted Likelihood MethodWhen: Sunday, April 19 8:15am to 10:15 amWhere: Empire Ballroom, 7th Floor, Paper Session, J1 Electronic Board #14: Assessing Two Methods of Q-Matrix Validation for the DINA ModelWhen: Sunday, April 19 2:25pm to 1:25pmWhere: Camelot, 3rd Floor, Paper Session, L1 Electronic Board #4: Applying Wald Test to Detect Multi-group DIF in CDMWhen: Sunday, April 19 4:05pm to 5:05pmWhere: Camelot, 3rd Floor, Paper Session, N1 Charles IaconangeloPaper Session: Marginal Maximum Likelihood Estimation via the Discounted Likelihood MethodWhen: Sunday, April 19 8:15am to 10:15 amWhere: Empire Ballroom, 7th Floor, Paper Session, J1 Soo Youn LeeElectronic Board #8: Detecting DIF in Multidimensional Data Using MIMIC and IRT-LR-DIFWhen: Sunday, April 19 4:05pm to 5:05pmWhere: Camelot, 3rd Floor, Paper Session, N1 Wenchao MaElectronic Board #5 (Poster Session): Improving Equating Precisions by Incorporating Prior Information of Common ItemsWhen: Saturday, April 18 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Camelot, 3rd Floor Olasumbo OluwalanaElectronic Board #5: Evaluating the Use of Factor Analysis in Q-Matrix ConstructionWhen: Friday, April 17 2:15pm to 3:45 pmWhere: Camelot, 3rd Floor, GSIC Graduate Student Poster Session, D1 Youngsuk SuhElectronic Board #8: Detecting DIF in Multidimensional Data Using MIMIC and IRT-LR-DIFWhen: Sunday, April 19 4:05pm to 5:05pmWhere: Camelot, 3rd Floor, Paper Session, N1 Electronic Board #17: The Effects of Discrimination Parameters on DIF Detection MethodsWhen: Sunday, April 19 4:05pm to 5:05pmWhere: Camelot, 3rd Floor, Paper Session, N1 Ragip TerziElectronic Board #10: Accounting for Uncertainty of Item Parameter Estimates on Ability EstimatesWhen: Saturday, April 18 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Camelot, 3rd Floor, GSIC Student Issues Poster Session H1 Electronic Board #14: Assessing Two Methods of Q-Matrix Validation for the DINA ModelWhen: Sunday, April 19 2:25pm to 1:25pmWhere: Camelot, 3rd Floor, Paper Session, L1 Electronic Board #16: An Iterative Method of Empirically-Based Q-Matrix ValidationWhen: Saturday, April 18 4:05pm to 5:05pmWhere: Camelot, 3rd Floor, Paper Session, I1 Immanuel WilliamsElectronic Board #5: Evaluating the Use of Factor Analysis in Q-Matrix ConstructionWhen: Friday, April 17 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Camelot, 3rd Floor, GSIC Graduate Student Poster Session, D1 Back to Top
Rutgers University at AERA
Paulette V. BlowePaper Session: Evaluation of Teaching Possibilities and ChallengesWhen: Friday, April 17 12:25pm to 1:55pmWhere: Marriot, Fifth Level, Denver/HoustonNon-Presenting Author Katelyn ClarkRoundtable Session 31: The Role of Play in Early Childhood EducationWhen: Monday, April 20 12:25pm to 1:55pmWhere: Hyatt, East Tower – Gold Level, Grand CDNon-Presenting Author Timothy J. ClearyRoundtable Session 8: Measuring Metacognition and Self-Regulated LearningWhen: Friday, April 17 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside WestNon-Presenting Author Paper Session: The Importance of Self-Regulation in Challenging Learning EnvironmentsWhen: Sunday, April 19 10:35am to 12:05pmWhere: Hyatt, West Tower – Green Level, Crystal BNon-Presenting Author Symposium: Measuring Self-Regulated Learning: Issues and InnovationsWhen: Monday, April 20 10:35am to 12:05pmWhere: Hyatt, East Tower – Gold Level, Grand BNon-Presenting Author Ryan CoughlanPaper Session: Gendered and LGBTQ Experiences: Critical Reflections on School-based EquityWhen: Thursday, April 16 12:00pm to 1:30pmWhere: Marriot, Sixth Level, Great AmericaChair Roundtable Discussion 15: Community Ownership in School SpacesWhen: Saturday, April 18 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside EastNon-Presenting Author Catherine EberbachStructured Poster Session: Design Principles for Supporting Family Learning: Implications from Nine Empirical StudiesWhen: Saturday, April 18 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Sheraton, Ballroom Level, Sheraton VNon-Presenting Author Nancy S. FagleyRoundtable Session 16: Theorizing in and About Education OrganizationsWhen: Saturday, April 16 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside WestNon-Presenting Author Ryan J. KettlerPaper Session: Evaluation of Teaching Possibilities and ChallengesWhen: Friday, April 17 12:25pm to 1:55pmWhere: Marriot, Fifth Level, Denver/HoustonNon-Presenting Author Roundtable Session 28: Evaluating Teachers and StudentsWhen: Monday, April 20 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Hyatt, East Tower – Gold Level, Crystal BCNon-Presenting Author Paper Session: Validity: Methods and ApplicationsWhen: Monday April 20 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Marriot, Sixth Level, Northwestern/Ohio StateDiscussant Clara KronenRoundtable Session 3: Academic Partnerships for Student Success in Higher EducationWhen: Thursday, April 16 12:00pm to 1:30pmWhere: Hyatt, West Tower – Green Level, Crystal BNon-Presenting Author Symposium: Exploring the Promise and Peril of Urban and Suburban School “Choice’ Within and Across Segregated SpacesWhen: Sunday, April 19 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Swissotel, Lucerne Level, Alpine INon-Presenting Author Jamie LewSymposium: Policyscapes of Education Reform: Vertical Case Studies of Educational Policy Appropriation Across National SettingsWhen: Thursday, April 16 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Marriot, Third Level, DupageNon-Presenting Author John McCarthySymposium: Institutional Efforts to Induce Collaboration and Standardization of PracticeWhen: Friday, April 17 12:25 pm to 1:55pmWhere: Swissotel, Event Centre Second Level, Vevey 1&2Non-Presenting Author Arthur B. PowellPaper Session: Mathematics Teacher Knowledge and Professional DevelopmentWhen: Sunday, April 19 10:35am to 12:05pmWhere: Marriot, Sixth Level, MinnesotaNon-Presenting Author Linda ReddyPaper Session: Evaluation of Teaching Possibilities and ChallengesWhen: Friday, April 17 12:25pm to 1:55pmWhere: Marriot, Fifth Level, Denver/HoustonNon-Presenting Author Roundtable Session 28: Evaluating Teachers and StudentsWhen: Monday, April 20 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Hyatt, East Tower – Gold Level, Crystal BCNon-Presenting Author Rebecca ReynoldsSymposium: Potential Futures for School LibrariesWhen: Friday, April 17 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Swissotel, Event Centre Second Level, St. Gallen 3Non-Presenting Author Allison RodaSymposium: Exploring the Promise and Peril of Urban and Suburban School “Choice’ Within and Across Segregated SpacesWhen: Sunday, April 19 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Swissotel, Lucerne Level, Alpine IChair, Presenting Author Saul A. RubinsteinSymposium: Institutional Efforts to Induce Collaboration and Standardization of PracticeWhen: Friday, April 17 12:25 pm to 1:55pmWhere: Swissotel, Event Centre Second Level, Vevey 1&2Non-Presenting Author Hal SalzmanInvited Speaker Session: Symposium on National Science Foundation Workforce IssuesWhen: Sunday, April 19, 12:25pm to 1:55pmWhere: Marriot, Fifth Level, Denver/HoustonPresenter David J. ShernoffPoster Session 16: Emerging Trends and Issues in Immersive Environments for LearningWhen: Monday, April 20 10:35am to 12:05pmWhere: Sheraton, Fourth Level, Chicago VI&VIINon-Presenting Author Poster Session 8: A Collection of Posters Exploring Learning EnvironmentsWhen: Saturday, April 18 8:15am to 9:45amWhere: Sheraton, Fourth Level, Chicago VI&VIINon-Presenting Author Carolyne J. WhiteSymposium: Venture “Philosophy” and Undoing the “Commons”: How the Neoliberal Educational Agenda is Dismantling Public SchoolsWhen: Sunday, April 19 4:05pm to 5:35pmWhere: Swissotel, Event Centre Second Level, St. Gallen 2Non-Presenting Author Back to Top
Rutgers University at NCME
Ryan KettlerInvited Session: Multi-Phase Identification of Preschool Students with Behavioral Difficulties: Evaluation within a Multi-Trait, Multi-Method FrameworkWhen: Saturday, April 18 2:15pm to 3:45pmWhere: Empire Ballroom, 7th Floor, Invited Session, H2 Paper Session: Multi-Method Teacher Evaluation: Integrating Scores from Multiple Observational ToolsWhen: Sunday, April 19 12:25pm to 1:55pmWhere: Exchange, 11th Floor, Paper Session, L3 Nathan MinchenElectronic Board #13: Differential Item Functioning as an Artifact of Model MisspecificationWhen: Saturday, April 18 2:15 to 3:45pmWhere: Camelot, 3rd Floor, GSIC Student Issues Poster Session, H1 Electronic Board #17: The Effects of Discrimination Parameters on DIF Detection MethodsWhen: Sunday, April 19 4:05pm to 5:05pmWhere: Camelot, 3rd Floor, Paper Session, N1Presenting Author