Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning’s Video Mosaic Collaborative Helps Transform Mathematics Research, Teaching and Learning
The Video Mosaic Collaborative (VMC) is an interactive web portal designed by Dr. Carolyn Maher's Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning (RBDIL) in partnership with Rutgers Libraries to enable teachers, teacher educators and researchers to use videos of students learning mathematics to transform research, teaching and learning.
The result of more than $15 million dollars of research funding, the VMC integrates the Rutgers Graduate School of Education’s RBDIL’s video collection with an online collaboration platform and tools. The VMC makes publicly accessible video clips assembled from a long-term program of research, now in its 25th year, to study development of mathematical thinking over time among cohorts of students engaged in mathematical problem solving in classrooms and informal settings. The collection features a unique longitudinal study that followed the same students from elementary through high school and beyond to their experience as young professionals.
Access the collaborative and learn more about the Graduate School of Education’s focus on Math Education by visiting