Recent Faculty, Staff and Student Honors at the GSE
Student Receives Florence Foster Award
Kristen Coco, GSE 2011 graduate from the 5-year program Elementary Education (K–5) with Preschool through Grade 3 (P–3) Certification, received the Florence Foster Award from the New Jersey Association for the Education of Young Children (NJAEYC). This award recognizes outstanding graduates of early childhood teacher education programs in New Jersey. GSE 2010 graduate Jessica Moyer received this award last year.
Ben Justice to Sit on the National Assessment of Educational Progress U.S. History Standing Committee
Professor Benjamin Justice has been selected to sit on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) U.S. History Standing Committee. NAEP is the only ongoing national assessment of what students know and can do in a variety of subjects. The program, which is administered by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) within the U.S. Department of Education, measures the achievement of students in grades 4, 8, and 12 in U.S. history, civics, geography, mathematics, reading, writing, and science. The purpose of the standing committee is to help establish the validity of the NAEP assessment by ensuring that the test questions are sound and that the assessment meets the specifications outlined in the NAEP framework. The committee will have 15 members including university professors, classroom teachers, and curriculum specialists. The appointment is for three years.
Bruce Baker Receives Outstanding Article of the Year Award
Professor Bruce Baker and Professor Matthew Ramsey’s article “What We Don’t Know Can’t Hurt Us? Equity Consequences of Financing Special Education on the Untested Assumption of Uniform Needs,” has won the Journal of Education Finance Outstanding Article of the Year. This inaugural award covers calendar year 2010. It was selected by a panel of distinguished educational finance professors and was a unanimous choice for the award.
The award will be presented at the National Education Finance Conference in May.
Bruce D. Baker is a Professor in the Department of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration in the GSE at Rutgers University.
Matthew Ramsey is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Teacher Education at Benedictine College.
W. Steven Barnett Selected as AERA Fellow
The American Educational Research Association announced its selection of 31 scholars to be an AERA Fellow in recognition of their exceptional scientific or scholarly contributions to education research or significant contributions to the field through the development of research opportunities and settings. Fellows are known nationally and internationally. Fellows will be inducted April 9, 2011 during the 92nd Annual Meeting of AERA.
Among those selected this year is Dr. W. Steven Barnett a Professor of Education Economics and Policy at Rutgers’ Graduate School of Education. He is also Director of the National Institute for Early Education Research and a Rutgers University Board of Governors Professor. His research has helped to shape public policy related to the education of some of the nation’s youngest citizens.
To read the press release click here
Professor Catherine Lugg and Co-Authors to Receive William J. Davis Award for Outstanding Article
The selection committee for the 2011 William J. Davis award has chosen the article “Rethinking the Politics of Fit and Educational Leadership” by Autumn K. Tooms, Catherine A. Lugg, and Ira Bogtoch as this year’s award winner. The Davis Award is given annually to the authors of the most outstanding article in the previous year’s volume of Educational Administration Quarterly (EAQ). EAQ presents empirical and conceptual articles focused on timely and critical leadership and policy issues of educational organizations.
The award will be announced at the Division A Business Meeting at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
Darren Clarke Receives Rutgers Human Dignity Award
Dr. Darren Clarke, Senior Director of Strategic Alliances and Outreach, has been selected by the Rutgers University Committee to Advance Our Common Purposes to receive a 2010-2011 Rutgers Human Dignity Award. This award recognizes members of the Rutgers community who advance the practices of diversity and social justice. Dr. Clarke was selected because of his creation, operation, and leadership of GSE’s South Africa Initiative, now celebrating its 10th anniversary year of bridging cultures. This interdisciplinary program provides teachers and students in New Jersey and South Africa with the opportunity to support each other and learn about educational opportunities and challenges in another country. Click here to learn more.