Professor Hernandez named 2011 Faculty Fellow of AAHHE (American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education)
Ebelia Hernandez, assistant professor in the College Student Affairs program at the Graduate School of Education has been named a 2011 Faculty Fellow of AAHHE (American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education). Faculty Fellows are selected through a nationally competitive nomination and review process for their demonstrated abilities to contribute to scholarship, the enhancement of Latinas/os in higher education, and service to the Latino/a community. AAHHE centers its work on increasing Latino/a access to and completion of higher education.
In addition, she was selected to attend the ASHE (Association for the Study of Higher Education) Early Career Faculty Institute held November 2010 in Indianapolis, IN. Along with senior higher education faculty members, Institute participants discussed strategies for advancing their research, teaching graduate courses, and mentoring graduate students.