GSE Student Affairs Committee Support for Student Conference Participation 2011-2012


To the extent of funds available, the GSE-SAC will provide monetary reimbursement to
graduate students for their participation at a national, regional, or state professional conference/
panel during the 2011 – 2012 school year. Funds can be used to defer the costs of conference
registration, travel, and lodging. Graduate students who presented work at the conference are
eligible to receive up to $100 reimbursements, and students attending the conference but not
presenting are eligible to receive up to $50 reimbursements. Those who presented work will be
required to participate in the SAC poster session held in Fall 2012. Presenters must sign in at the
poster session to be reimbursed1. (More details regarding the poster session to follow.)
To apply, students must complete the attached “GSE Student Affairs Committee Support
for Student Conference Participation Application”. Attachments should include documentation
describing the conference (e.g., copy of program introduction, website description, etc.) and
proof of presentation if applicable (e.g., copy of page where name is highlighted in program).
Applications should be submitted to the SAC mailbox in the Educational Psychology
suite (Room 340) on the 3rd floor of the GSE.
The deadline for submission will be May 10, 2012. Processing reimbursement payments
will take several weeks after this deadline. If there are questions regarding this procedure, please email the student affairs committee at