GSE Part-Time Lecturer Named Writing Chair of Next Generation Arts Standards Project
Dr. Rima Faber, a part-time lecturer at the GSE with focus on dance education, has been named a writing chair as part of the National Coalition for Core Arts Standards (NCCAS) next generation arts standards project. Dr. Faber will be representing the area of dance.
As a writing chair Dr. Faber will lead a team of content experts to help develop arts education standards that will help guide curriculum designers, teaching training programs, funders and federal and state policy makers in their Pre-K-14 arts education decision making. These new standards will build off of foundations set by the 1994 National Arts Standards, and the 2005 Standards for Learning and Teaching Dance in the Arts. She will be working alongside writing chairs representing music, theatre, and the visual arts. Writing chairs have been selected by NCCAS discipline organizations and were chosen based on range of experience, commitment, and leadership in their given content area. Dr. Faber’s appointment to a writing chair very prestigious. The new standards for art education is planned to be released in late 2012.
Dr. Faber’s extensive background includes president of Capital Region Educators of Dance Organization and founding president of the National Dance Education Organization.