GSE Doctoral Student Selected to Attend National Graduate Student Research Seminar



Yi-Jung Wu, a doctoral student at the Graduate School of Education studying Social and Philosophical Foundations Of Education , was one of forty graduate students invited to attend the 32nd Annual David L. Clark National Graduate Student Research Seminar in Educational Leadership and Policy, sponsored by The University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), Divisions A and L of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and SAGE publications.  
At the seminar, emerging educational leadership and policy scholars, as well as prominent researchers, will be brought together for two days of presentations and discussions to aid professional growth and prepare students for a career in research. Programs consist of small group work sessions, panel discussions, various workshops, and networking events. Many graduates of the Clark Seminar have joined the faculty of major research universities and institutions worldwide. 
Students must be nominated by their university in order to be considered for an invitation to the seminar. Wu was chosen to represent Rutgers University from a large number of applicants from universities around the world after a blind read of her dissertation research proposal, as provided to the screening committee. Applicants were chosen based on the perceived quality of the student’s capacity of gaining knowledge from and contributing to the Clark Seminar 
The David L. Clark Seminar is held in conjunction with the AERA Annual Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia on April 12-13, which Wu is also invited and encouraged to attend.