GSE Digital Learning Fellowship Program Announces Three New Winners
Rutgers Graduate School of Education’s (GSE) Digital Learning Fellowship Program announced the three grant winners for spring semester. This program awards grants of up to $1500 to GSE’s Ph.D. and Ed.D. students whose research shows potential for bringing new perspectives understandings, and/or innovative methodologies toward the use of digital tools in education.
The three winners are Sora Suh, Mary Hough, and Julianne Doto.
Sora Suh from Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania, is a Ph.D. student pursuing her studies in Language Education in Learning and Teaching. Ms. Suh will be using her grant to examine the ways in which 3rd generation Korean American children are socialized through the Korean and English languages to develop hybrid Korean and American ways of being and the way these children, in turn, socialize their mothers. She stated “the results of this project will shed light on the language maintenance practices of immigrant families in he United States, which is a critical party of the academic, emotional, and psychological health of immigrants.”
Mary Hough, a resident of Howell, New Jersey is an Ed.D. student studying Literacy Education. The grant will allow Ms. Hough to “gain insight into teachers’ instructional usage and training with regard to multimedia technology,” as there is little research specifically about teacher beliefs and training on multimedia and how teachers will interpret the term “multimedia.” She will be looking at a course offered at the GSE called “Web-Based Multimedia Design for Educators” to investigate how it impacts teacher instruction and integration of multimedia into their practices, and their beliefs about the multimedia.
Julianne Doto resides in Westfield, New Jersey. She submitted a proposal that included how Knowledge Forum, a software tool for building knowledge, is integrated into classroom practices. Ms. Doto is a Ph.D. student studying Education in the Educational Psychology Department. Her study will show how knowledge-building principles can be applied in the regular public school classroom by integration reading instruction with the software, and how reading instruction can be integrated with synchronous discussion tools in the upper elementary grades.
This will be the final grant cycle of the Digital Learning Fellowship Program until further notice.