Foreign Language Assistant Program
The Rutgers Graduate School of Education is partnering with the Montclair School District on a Foreign Language Assistant Program Grant. The $1.3 million grant will expand the teaching of Mandarin through the district's elementary, middle, and high schools and link Chinese language curriculum with the study of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Professor Mary Curran and Gail Clarke, Nishuane Elementary School Principal, will codirect the five-year Foreign Language Assistance Program Grant. Dr. Janice Dowd, retired Teaneck world language supervisor, will coordinate project operations. Ms. Lucy Lee, Livingston High School Chinese language teacher, and Ms. Vicky Chang, Nishuane Elementary Chinese language teacher, will mentor new teachers, provide professional development, and lead the curriculum development projects.
For more information:
- Montclair School District's website:
An article from the Star Ledger: