Florence A. Hamrick
Emeritus ProfessorEducational Psychology
Florence A. Hamrick, Ph.D. is an Emeritus Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology. Her research focuses on issues of equity, access and success in higher education settings. Hamrick’s career was inspired by her own public school education plus her subsequent experiences in and commitments to public higher education. Growing up, Hamrick knew college was not a high priority—or in many cases, financially possible—for many of the high school students she graduated with. Hamrick is a second- generation college student; her father was a WWII veteran who used GI Bill benefits to fund his education. Her undergraduate experience ignited a commitment to the importance of students’ access to varieties of learning experiences and opportunities. Hamrick earned a B.A. in English at the University of North Carolina and a master’s degree in College Student Personnel from The Ohio State University. She worked as a student affairs professional for 10 years before earning a Ph.D. in Higher Education from Indiana University.
In 2010, Hamrick joined the Rutgers GSE faculty as a professor in the Department of Educational Psychology where she continues to focus on higher education. Hamrick teaches in the College Student Affairs master’s program and is the Graduate Program Director of the Ph.D. in Higher Education program, which opened in 2016. Hamrick works closely on research with students and has published in many top journals; she is former editor of the Journal of College Student Development. She also fulfills a number of service commitments at Rutgers, including current memberships on the Graduate Student Life Advisory Board and the Rutgers-New Brunswick Veterans Task Force.
• Ph.D. in Higher Education, Indiana University (1996)
• M.A. in College Student Personnel, The Ohio State University (1983)
• B.A. in English, University of North Carolina (1981)
• Graduate Student Life Advisory Board
• Rutgers-New Brunswick Veterans Task Force
• School of Graduate Studies Diversity Fellowship Selection Committee
Expertise & Research Interest
Higher Education
College Student Affairs
Recent & Selected Publications
Book and Monograph Chapters
Hamrick, F.A., & Kinzie, J. (2017). Applying theories and research to practice. In J. H. Schuh, S. R. Jones, & V. Torres (Eds.). Student services: A handbook for the profession (6th ed.) (pp. 514-530). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Hamrick, F. A., & *Kohlmann, K. (2015). Trends and milestones affecting student affairs practice. In J. H. Schuh & E. A. Whitt (Eds.), Glancing back, looking forward (New Directions for Student Services, No. 151, pp. 15-25) San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Refereed Journal Articles
*Miele, A. N., & Hamrick, F. A. (2019). The evolution of alternative dispute resolution practices by residential conduct officers: Revisiting Pitts and Waryold’s 1990 “Sanction Enhancement Group” study. Journal of College and University Student Housing, 45(2), 14-29.
*Miele, A. N., *Kelley, J. W., & Hamrick, F. A. (2018). Living on campus: Addressing misconduct among students with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of College and University Student Housing (special issue: Contemporary Legal Issues in College and University Student Housing), 44(3), 30-34.
Honors & Awards
Senior Scholar, ACPA
Faculty Fellow, NASPA
Robert H. Shaffer Distinguished Alumni Award, Indiana University
Maude Stewart Award for Alumni Leadership and Innovation, The Ohio State University
Annuit Coeptis Senior Professional Award, ACPA
Diamond Honoree, ACPA
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