Drew H. Gitomer
Rose & Nicholas DeMarzo Chair in EducationLearning & Teaching
Drew Gitomer, Ph.D., the current and inaugural holder of the Rose and Nicholas DeMarzo Chair in Education, studies the assessment and evaluation of teaching. His research examines policy-related issues in teaching and teacher education, and considers a range of constructs that are related to teaching quality, including the quality of classroom interactions, teacher knowledge, teacher beliefs, and student achievement. From work in student performance assessment and portfolios through studying measures of teaching quality such as observations, artifacts and teacher knowledge, the scope of Gitomer’s research has focused on the design and validation of assessments that support the improvement of instruction. Gitomer’s interest in assessment and evaluation stem from his undergraduate studies in psychology, during which he began to explore his interest in the way people think and learn. He would later go on to investigate the relationship between learning theory and practical issues in education, as both a graduate student and young professional.
After graduating from the University of Pittsburgh with a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology, Gitomer took a position at Educational Testing Services (ETS), where he came to hold the title of distinguished researcher and director of the Understanding Teaching Quality Center, and senior vice president for Research and Development. In 2011, he joined Rutgers GSE as the newly appointed Rose and Nicholas DeMarzo Chair in Education, and has since implemented a plan of research, teaching, and professional leadership that has made a lasting impact on scholarship at the GSE. He has also contributed to the dialogue on teacher evaluation research and practice across the country. Gitomer currently fulfills many advisory roles, including serving on a number of academic journal editorial boards, federally funded projects, advisory panels, and the James S. McDonnell Foundation’s Teachers as Learners Program Advisory Board. He has written and edited a number of highly regarded publications, including articles for the Journal of Teacher Education, Review of Research in Education, and Educational Measurement.
• Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology, University of Pittsburgh (1984)
• M.S. in Cognitive Psychology, University of Pittsburgh (1982)
• B.A. in Psychology, Franklin and Marshall College (1977)
• American Educational Research Association (AERA)
• Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment (CREA)
• National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME)
• European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)
Expertise & Research Interest
Measurement of Teaching Quality
Studies of Use of Research Evidence
Teaching Policy
Recent & Selected Publications
Gitomer, D. H., & Marshall, B. (forthcoming). The bold and unfulfilled promises of teacher evaluation as policy. To appear in L. Cohen-Vogel, J. Scott, & P. Youngs (Eds.), Handbook of education policy research. American Educational Research Association.
Gitomer, D. H., & Iwatani, E. (2022). Fairness and assessment: Engaging psychometric and racial justice perspectives. In S. L. Hood, H. T. Frierson, R. K. Hopson, & K. N. Arbuthnot (Eds.), Race and culturally responsive inquiry in education: Improving research, evaluation, and assessment (Harvard Education Press Race and Education Series). Harvard Education Press.
Gitomer, D. H., Martínez, J. F., & Battey, D. (2021). Who’s assessing the assessment? The cautionary tale of the edTPA. Phi Delta Kappan. Retrieved from https://kappanonline.org/whos-assessing-assessment-cautionary-tale-edtpa-gitomer-martinez-battey/
Phelps, G., Gitomer, D. H., Iaconangelo, C. J., Etkina, E., Seeley, L., & Vokos, S. (2020). Developing assessments of content knowledge for teaching using evidence-centered design. Educational Assessment, 25(2), 91–111. https://doi.org/10.1080/10627197.2020.1756256
Gitomer, D. H., & Crouse, K. (2019). Studying the use of research evidence: A review of methods. New York, NY: William T. Grant Foundation. Retrieved from http://wtgrantfoundation.org/studying-the-use-of-research-evidence-a-review-of-methods
Gitomer, D. H., Martínez, J. F., Battey, D., & Hyland. N. E. (2019). Assessing the assessment: Evidence of reliability and validity in the edTPA. American Educational Research Journal. doi: 10.3102/0002831219890608
Joyce, J., Gitomer, D. H., & Iaconangelo, C. (2017). Classroom assignments as measures of teaching quality. Learning and Instruction. doi: 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2017.08.001
Gitomer, D. H., & Bell, C. A. (Eds.) (2016). Handbook of research on teaching (5th ed.). Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association.
Gitomer, D.H. & Zisk, R.C. (2015) Knowing what teachers know. Review of Research in Education, 39(1), 1-53. doi: 10.3102/0091732X14557001
Honors & Awards
AERA Palmer O. Johnson Memorial Award (given for an outstanding article appearing in an AERA-sponsored publication)
AERA Fellow
Distinguished Alumni, Learning Research and Development Center, University of Pittsburgh
Outstanding Alumni Award, Learning and Research Development Center, University of Pittsburgh
Legacy Laureate Award, University of Pittsburgh
Scientist Award, Educational Testing Service
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