Dan Battey
ProfessorLearning & Teaching
Dan Battey, Ph.D. spent time in urban schools and noticed racial inequities in instruction, especially for Black and Latinx students, when he was inspired to push for ways to better identify and address those inequities. Consequently, his research has come to serve as a catalyst to help teachers to be aware of these disparities and to initiate the conversation on how they can better supper historically marginalized students so they can realize their full potential. Challenging traditional thinking, his research examines issues of race and how patterns of reasoning can limit a student’s exposure to more detailed and complex mathematical concepts and instructional methods. Some of his most recent work looks specifically at the racial match between teachers and students, and the impact it has on student-teacher relationships and student achievement.
Battey first studied physics during his undergraduate career, before being inspired by a faculty-mentor studying elementary mathematics and deciding to go on to pursue his Ph.D. in education. As a doctoral candidate, he began to narrow his focus to examine quality of instruction, students’ thinking, and how it can be incorporated into professional development. In his early years in the field, he focused on professional development for teachers and wanted to shift teachers’ thinking from deficit-basedframings of historically marginalized students’ ability to asset-based framings.
Currently Battey serves as professor of elementary mathematical education at the GSE, teaching his students to develop equitable practices and culturally inclusive classrooms. He strives to support effective teaching methods for students of elementary mathematics and to open conversations with teachers on how to use culturally sustaining practices in math.
• B.S. in Physics, University of California, Los Angeles (1997)
• Ph.D. in Education, University of California, Los Angeles (2004)
• National Council for Teachers of Mathematics
• American Educational Research Association (Special Interest Group: Research in Mathematics Education)
• Psychology in Mathematics Education, North American Chapter
• TODOS: Mathematics for All
Expertise & Research Interest
Mathematics Education
Race & Equity in Education
Professional Development
My research attempts to both look at the micro processes and the macro ideologies that contribute to racialized and gendered forms of mathematics education. Throughout this research, my work has centered on two major themes: understanding teacher and classroom change and explicating issues of race within mathematics education. In this sense, my work aims to understand both the individual and social constraints and affordances that shape what mathematics content and instruction makes its way into the urban elementary classroom.
Recent & Selected Publications
Gitomer, D., Martinez, J. F., & Battey, D. (in press). Who’s assessing the assessment? The cautionary tale of the edTPA. To be published in Phi Delta Kappan.
Battey, D., Bartell, T. G., Webel, C., & Lowry, A. (2021). Understanding the impact of racial attitudes on pre-service teachers’ perceptions of children’s mathematical thinking. Journal of Research for Mathematics Education, 52(1), 62-93.
Gitomer, D., Martínez, J. F., Battey, D., & Hyland, N. (2021). Assessing the Assessment: Evidence of Reliability and Validity in the edTPA. American Educational Research Journal, 58(1), 3-31.
Leyva, L., Quea, R., Weber, K., Battey, D., & López, D. (2020). Detailing racialized and gendered mechanisms of pre-calculus and calculus classroom instruction. Cognition & Instruction.
Burroughs, G., Lewis, A., Battey, D., Curran, M., Hyland, N. & Ryan, S. (2020). From mediated fieldwork to co-constructed partnerships: A framework for guiding and reflecting on P-12 school–university partnerships. Journal of Teacher Education, 71(1), 122-134.
Battey, D., Leyva, L. A., Williams, I., Belizario, V., Greco, R., & Shah, R. (2018). Racial (mis)match: Relational interactions as a mechanism producing racialized achievement patterns. Harvard Educational Review, 88(4), 455-482.
Honors & Awards
Faculty Research Award, Rutgers
Graduate School of Education
Distinguished Faculty Lecture Award,
Graduate School of Education Alumni Association
Linking Research and Practice
Outstanding Publication Award –
Teaching Children Mathematics, National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics Committee
Chancellor’s Scholar Award, Rutgers University
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