Ann O'Connell
Professor - Educational Statistics, Measurement, and EvaluationEducational Psychology
Dr. Ann A. O’Connell is Professor of Educational Statistics, Measurement, and Evaluation in the Department of Educational Psychology at Rutgers University. She was formerly a Professor in the Educational Studies Department at The Ohio State University. Dr. O’Connell’s research interests are in multilevel and generalized linear models, the use of research evidence and evidence-based interventions, and evaluation of interventions in health and education. She is passionate about strengthening methodological capacity among applied researchers and working with her students and colleagues on evaluation of educational, health, and wellness initiatives. Dr. O’Connell is engaged in a variety of projects at local, national, and international levels. She was the Principal Investigator for a recently completed Methods Training Grant from the Institute for Education Sciences (IES), which was designed to strengthen capacity among schools, districts, and their higher-education partners for the selection and use of evidence-based interventions. Current efforts are expanding the curriculum to make all materials accessible to schools, districts and researchers nationwide. On an international level, Dr. O’Connell has an ongoing collaboration with Addis Ababa University (AAU) in Ethiopia, teaching courses in statistics and research methods and partnering with faculty and graduate students at the College of Education and Behavioral Studies (CEBS) at AAU to study STEM education and early childhood learning outcomes and teacher practices in Ethiopia. She received a Fulbright Scholar award in 2013-14 during which she taught at CEBS as well as Jimma University, University of Gondar, and Mekele University in Ethiopia. Dr. O’Connell teaches courses in Multilevel Modeling, Regression and Multivariate Analysis, Introductory Statistics, Sampling and Survey Research Methods, and other topics. She is an advocate for interdisciplinary science, and while at OSU developed and directed the Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization in Quantitative Research Methods. Her research is published in the Journal of Research in Educational Effectiveness, Journal of Experimental Education, Journal of Educational Psychology, New Directions in Program Evaluation, and other outlets. She is the author and editor of a number of books on advanced statistical methods, and is the recipient of several awards, including the Educational Statisticians’ Outstanding Service Award, awarded by the American Educational Research Association, the Lorne H. Woolatt Distinguished Paper Award from the Northeastern Educational Research Association, and the College of Education Outstanding Award for Research, awarded by the University of Memphis.
• Ed.D in Measurement and Evaluation, Teachers College, Columbia University (1993)
• M.S. in Statistics, University of Connecticut (1985)
• B.A. in Mathematics, Western New England College (1983)
• American Educational Research Association (AERA), Co-chair, AERA Division D Section 2: Statistical Theory and Quantitative Methodology (Two-year appointment, April 2024-2026)
• World Educational Research Association (WERA)
Expertise & Research Interest
Multilevel modeling and analysis of count and categorical outcomesUse of research evidence and evidence-based interventions by schools and districtsTraining and capacity-building for use of quantitative methods
Recent & Selected Publications
Selected Books/Book Chapters:
Lo, M-T, Bhaktha, N., Mauck, S., & O’Connell, AA. (2023). Power and evidence: Guide for sample size estimation. In FTL Leong & JT Austin (Eds.), Psychological Methodology Handbook (3rd ed.). Sage.
O’Connell, A.A., McCoach, D.B., & Bell, B. (Eds.) (2022). Multilevel Modeling Methods with Introductory and Advanced Applications. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
O’Connell, A.A., Lo, M-T., Goldstein, J., Rogers, H.J., & Peng, C.J. (2022). Multilevel models for logistic and ordinal outcomes. In A.A. O’Connell, D.B McCoach, & B.A. Bell (Eds.), Multilevel Modeling Methods with Introductory and Advanced Applications. Information Age Publishing.
O’Connell, A.A., Bhaktha, N. & Zhang, J. (2022). Single and multilevel models for count outcomes. In A.A. O’Connell, D.B McCoach, & B.A. Bell (Eds.), Multilevel Modeling Methods with Introductory and Advanced Applications. Information Age Publishing.
O’Connell, A.A. & McCoach, D.B. (Eds.) (2008). Multilevel Modeling of Educational Data. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
O’Connell, A.A. (2006). Logistic Regression Models for Ordinal Response Variables. Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Selected Peer-reviewed Publications:
O’Connell, AA., Michael, K., Desie, Y., Garabed, R., Wilberforce, W. (in review). Graduate-level quantitative methods and research training in education and related fields in Ethiopia: Challenges and opportunities. International Journal of African Higher Education.
Language and Reading Research Consortium, Lo, M., & Xu, M. (2022). Impacts of the Let’s Know! curriculum on the language and comprehension-related skills of prekindergarten and kindergarten children. Task Force: S. Piasta, AA O’Connell, S. Gray, K. Cain. Journal of Educational Psychology.
Desie, Y., O’Connell, A.A., Michael, K., & Wiium, N. (2021). Parenting of schoolchildren’s television viewing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Journal of Children and Media, 15(4), 492-508.
Yeomans-Maldonado, G., Mesa, C., and LARRC (2021). The association of the home literacy environment and parental reading beliefs with oral language growth trajectories of Spanish-English bilingual children. Task Force: L. Restrepo, AA O’Connell. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 57(4), 271-284).
Piasta, S.B., Sawyer, B., Justice, L.M., O’Connell, A.A., Jiang, Hui, Dogucu, M., & Khan, K. (2020). Effects of Read It Again! in early childhood special education classrooms. Journal of Early Intervention, 42(3), 224-243. (online 1st in 2019).
Sawyer, B., O’Connell, A.A., Bhaktha, N., Santoro, J., Justice, L., & Rhoad-Drogalis, A. (2020). Does teachers’ self-efficacy vary for different children? A study of early childhood special educators. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education.
Piasta, S.B., Farley, K.S., Mauck, S.A., Soto Ramirez, P., O’Connell, A.A., Schachter, R.E., Justice, L.M., Spear, C.F., & Weber-Mayrer, M. (2020). At-scale, state-sponsored language and literacy professional development: Impacts on early childhood practices and children’s outcomes. Journal of Educational Psychology, 112(2), 329-343. (online 1st in 2019).
Uanhoro, J. O., Wang, Y., and O’Connell, A.A. (2019). Problems with using odds ratios as effect sizes in logistic regression and alternative approaches. Journal of Experimental Education, 89(4), 670-689. DOI: 10.1080/00220973.2019.1693328
O’Connell, AA, Kassa, M., Garabed, R., & Joseph. L. (2019). Recommendations on building competencies for Quantitative Research in Education and Related Fields. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Quality of Education, Adama, Ethiopia.
Serovich, J., Reed, S., O’Connell, AA., & Laschober, T. (2018). Relationship between serostatus disclosure and categories of HIV transmission risk in men who have sex with men living with HIV. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 29(8), 744-750.
Honors & Awards
2013-2014 – Fulbright Scholar Award, Ethiopia, Addis Ababa University
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