Faculty Members Honored for Excellence in Teacher Preparation
Dr. Eugenia Etkina and Dr. Mary Curran were recently honored for their work during the "Higher Education Showcase of Exemplary Practices" event. The annual ceremony honors faculty members in the state of New Jersey for their contributions to higher education and for consistently meeting the highest standards in teacher education.
With over 30 years of teaching experience in physics and astronomy, Dr. Etkina has made invaluable contributions to the field of physics education. She currently serves as a Chair of the Department of Learning and Teaching and has also been recently awarded with the American Association of Physics Teachers’s (AAPT) Distinguished Service Citation. Dr. Etkina received two awards: The Institutional Program Award and the Distinguished Faculty in Physics Education Award.
Dr. Curran, Coordinator of the Language Education Programs has made significant contributions to foreign language education. Some of her projects include the Foreign Language Assistant Program, and Classroom Organization in the Yucatan. Dr. Curran has been awarded with a Community-University Research Partnership Grant for her project proposal, "Empowering Parents through SALSA: A Community-based Service Learning and Research Partnership." Dr. Curran received the Institutional Grant Award for her Teaching the World Project.