Dr. Giarelli to Present Distinguished Lectures in China and Seattle this Fall
Dr. James M. Giarelli, a professor and the Educational Theory, Policy and Administration Department Chair at the Graduate School of Education, won’t be gathering any moss this fall as he travels around the globe to China and cross-country to Seattle to deliver two distinguished lectures.
On September 23, Dr. Giarelli has been invited to present a research paper at the International Teacher Ethics Symposium sponsored by the Shanxi Teacher Education Research Center at Shanxi Normal University, Shanxi Province, China.
The conference will focus on research on teachers’ ethics and morality, with a special theme on international research on teacher ethics. Dr. Giarelli will present a paper titled “Contemporary American Approaches to Moral Education and the Ethics of Education,” that will later be translated into Chinese and published in a Chinese educational journal.
Dr. Giarelli was invited to deliver this address by Dr. Xiao Yang, Associate Professor of Teacher Education at Shanxi Normal University, who was a Visiting Scholar in the Graduate School of Education, Rutgers during 2011-2012 and is a collaborator and co-author of research articles on Chinese education with GSE Assistant Professor Tanja Sargent.
Dr. Giarelli has also been honored with an invitation to deliver the George F. Kneller Lecture at the American Educational Studies Association annual meeting in Seattle on November 1, 2012. The lecture is endowed by the estate of Professor George F. Kneller, distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Education at UCLA. Dr. Giarelli will present on the changing nature of educational study and organization of training institutions in the “after-school” era. His lecture will appear later in Educational Studies, the journal of the American Educational Studies Association.
To learn more about Dr. Giarelli and his recent distinctions, please visit his faculty profile.