Dean De Lisi Named Member of Commission on Standards and Performance Reporting
Richard De Lisi, Dean and Professor at the GSE, has been named as a member of a high profile national commission, the Commission on Standards and Performance Reporting, to raise standards for teacher preparation across the nation especially in P-12 learning. The Commission includes prominent critics of teacher education, deans of schools of education, and various leaders in education.
As noted by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), the new commission was formed through the unification of two organizations charged with assuring quality in educator preparation—the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC). As a member, Dean De Lisi will contribute in developing rigorous accreditation standards for educator preparation that will raise the bar for preparation providers.The new standards will also give increased attention to recruiting and admissions to help ensure a supply of candidates who are motivated to enter the teaching workforce, have characteristics associated with teaching success, and who are prepared in areas in which they are needed.
Research will focus on outcome data and key program characteristic data and will include the use of new sources of data from state longitudinal databases. The commission is expected to take bold steps to recruit, prepare, and help develop effective teachers who can contribute their expertise to improving student performance in all schools.
The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation, to become operational in 2013, will accredit over 900 teacher education institutions across the nation, producing approximately 175,000 graduates annually.
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