CESP Hosts Common Core Academy 2013 Supported by New Jersey Department of Education
This summer, Dr. Cindy Blitz, Director of the Center for Effective School Practices (CESP) at Rutgers University’s Graduate School of Education (GSE) received a grant awarded by the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) to support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) by enhancing teachers’ content knowledge and teaching skills aligned to the and by supporting principals to lead this effort in their schools.
The Common Core Academy 2013 (CCA 2013) program involved intensive, informative, and interactive activities, which informed participants about expected shifts in standards and assessments for English Language Arts and Mathematics education for various student populations. Participants engaged and trained in practical strategies for shifting curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Among many other presenters were Kimberley Harrington, Director Office of Standards at NJDOE and Dr. Dorothy Strickland, Professor Emerita of the GSE. CCA 2013 offered ample opportunities for building professional learning networks within and across schools and enabled educators to work productively in collaboration with colleagues on making the changes that full CCSS implementation entails. Continuing progress has been made through the use of the online project management software, Basecamp, where participating educators are able to connect with each other, share resources, and collaborate on new ideas and practices.
The CCA 2013 ran from August 5th through August 9th with participating educators from Plainfield City Public Schools, Red Bank Borough Public Schools, Central Jersey College Prep Charter School, Monroe Township Public Schools, South River Public Schools, Darul Arqam School, Red Bank Catholic High School, and Saint James Grammar School. The goals and objectives of CCA 2013 were developed in close collaboration with the participating schools and districts to meet their educators’ needs, as well as the NJDOE.
For more information on the Common Core Academy and other similar services, please contact Christopher Magarelli at cesp@gse.rutgers.edu.