The Difference Between Ph.D. and Ed.D.
The GSE offers the following doctorate level degrees to help students achieve their varied career objectives:
Ed.D.: The Education Doctorate is most appropriate for those students who are interested in practice and leadership in the field. The Ed.D. degree helps future and current leaders develop the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to solve problems of practice and improve instructional quality. Graduates will learn to be change agents who improve the lives of students and their families and communities. The program is specifically designed for working professionals, providing a sequence of coursework and hands-on leadership experiences along with individualized mentoring. To learn more about our Ed.D. program, please click here.
Ph.D. in Education: The Ph.D. program prepares scholars and is intended for students interested in research. Graduates of the program are expected to influence educational practice in the United States and abroad through original research efforts, thereby contributing to the advancement of knowledge in education, discovering exemplary educational practices, and contributing to local and national educational policy. The core mission of the Ph.D. in Education Program is to produce scholars who can and will use research to contribute to understanding and improving education. To learn more about our Ph.D. in Education programs, please click here.
Ph.D. in Higher Education: The Ph.D. in Higher Education prepares higher education researchers who will take their scholarship, knowledge, and research skills into a range of higher education settings such as universities and colleges, state or federal governing and coordinating boards, independent research and policy organizations, and foundations. To learn more about our Ph.D. in Higher Education program, please click here.