Dr. Penelope Lattimer Recognized as an Outstanding Educator

Dr. Penelope Lattimer, Director of Rutgers Institute for Improving Student Achievement (RIISA), was awarded with the 2014 Ernest L. Boyer Outstanding Educator Award for her extraordinary leadership over the course of her career. The New Jersey Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (NJASCD) presents this award annually to an educational leader who has made a major contribution and commitment to the field of education.

Previously Dr. Lattimer worked in the New Brunswick School District for over 30 years serving as an Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, a high-school principal, and a teacher. She went on to serve as the Assistant Commissioner for the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) in the Division of District and School Improvement under Commissioner Dr. William Librera.  

Dr. Lattimer left the NJDOE to join the Graduate School of Education (GSE) as the Associate Director of RIISA. She was named Director of RIISA in 2012. Through the combined efforts of Rutgers University, PreK-12 districts, and local partnerships, RIISA provides professional development and executive level training to foster continuous improvement and achievement for all students. Dr. Lattimer’s work has contributed to the development of networks and partnerships among middle grades and high schools with similar needs.

The Ernest Boyer Outstanding Educator Award was created in the memory of former U.S. Secretary of Education, Dr. Boyer, to inspire recipients and educators to embrace the characteristics necessary to advance in an educational setting and make a difference in the education of youth. The award was presented during the NJASCD/New Jersey Principal and Supervision Association/Foundation for Educational Administration Fall Conference on October 17, 2014.

To learn more about Dr. Lattimer, please click here.